To be or not to be


August had been pretty much a biatch to me. We must had been arch enemies in our previous life if you believe in reincarnation. What am I blabbering about, August is just a month for crying out loud. But still… August had certainly taken its toll on me…

After all the preparation and overseeing of the travel fair, came the annual reservist. If you are a singaporean you will know what reservist is. For those of you who aren’t, reservist is where once a year a singaporean guy have to return back to the military for 2 weeks. I think we are the only country that practises this.

Thats about all I had to rant about… or is it…?

Women are art pieces created by the man above for all mortal like me to admire. However every mortal man were given the gift to compare. Some may find that art piece better than the other. Some prefer pop art, some prefer renaissance art, fine art and some prefer martial art (kidding). And every pieces of art comes with a price. Time, emotion, Money etc.

As for me…

I like the way you smile in times of adversity…

I like the way you treat everybody as equal even though you know deep inside you are so much more superior…

I like the way you feel sorry when you know I’m hurt…

I like the way you try to make me feel loved when I feel insecure…

Lastly I like the way you make me feel even when im not supposed to be feeling this way…

Be gone now and never return… I beg of you… everything you do or say just hurts me deeper…

Tonight I shall sleep it away and abolish all that you had embedded at the back of my mind…

Good night sweet dreams farewell…

Signing off
Ps: It hurts… it hurts…